TSN Podcast - Seoige, Yoga & More W/ Síle Seoige

Síle Seoige is not only a Gaeilgeoir, presenter, BEO speaker and rich-voiced hooman… She’s also a Nerd Networker, aka part of our online skin community. In this episode, Jennifer speaks to Sile about her skincare routine, her life, her ways of grounding herself and her adoration of yoga.
Nerdette Lisa has the biggest head after all of the compliments... But we do think she deserves them.
Listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The Skin Nerd Podcast - Next Up, Roz Purcell
Next week, we're releasing The Sustainable Model with Roz Purcell talking all about her hikes, fitness, fella, skincare routine, the delicious food she creates as Natural Born Feeder and more so make sure to subscribe!
We'd love, love, love if you'd rate or review wherever you listen and we solemnly promise more fantastic, knowledgeable and gas guests. Do we have a deal?!