Your Skin, Hair & Nutrition Bridal Timeline

All brides want to look and feel their very best on their wedding day. It's one thing knowing you want to eat better, look after your skin and get your hair in the condition you want, but it's good to have a timeline in place. So whether you have just got engaged or you are in the throes of wedding planning, read on.
Now that you have the ring on your finger, the champagne flowing and your friends bawling, it is difficult to know where to start and what you should doing and when throughout the journey. We have put together a timeline for your skin, hair and nutritional needs from engagement to all the way through to wedding bliss...
Straight after you're engaged
This is the time to implement your skin routine on your first consultation with Bridal Nerdette Lisa. You will be put on an initial routine consisting of supplements, cleanser, serum, SPF and night cream. This routine is specific to your needs and skin concerns.
This is when vitamin A is introduced and long-term use of this ingredient internally and externally is going to provide you with that glow you need...from top to toe!
The supplements you will be instructed to use will be providing your skin with the nutrients it needs to combat dehydration, fine lines, pigmentation or any other concern you may have and are an integral part of your routine. Having a great skin care routine will ensure that when the time comes to have your wedding makeup applied the morning of, the canvas will be on point.
Now is also the time to think about what's happening on the inside. Do the water challenge. Our nutritional expert, Laura Kealy of Bridge Nutrition, says:
“Getting your water intake up as soon as possible is key, not just to have beautiful skin but to improve function at a cellular level. Always start your day with a large glass of water to help counteract overnight dehydration and give your body a nice wake up call.”
This early in the game is also a great time to think about your hair, what style you think you will choose and whether length or hair condition is a factor. Women often choose to grow out their hair at this point so there is more to work with closer to the wedding. It's a good idea to take a supplement to help with this also, such as ZENii Boost Hair, Skin & Nail Formula (€25.00).
When you've started getting cracking
Have your first follow-up consultation with our Bridal Nerdette, where we will have a look at how the routine has made changes in your skin and where we need to go next. Lisa may change your cleanser, introduce a second serum and possibly an eye cream. Every consultation process is different as every hooman is different. At this time, it is important to ensure that you are getting all the vital ingredients to ensure you get the results you wish to achieve.
Our nutritional expert has devised nutritional plans and put together educational pieces on what is key for you to know about what's going on on the inside. Laura takes a food first approach and adds in supplementation where needed, with handy meal plans always on the go on her Instagram page (@bridgenutrition). This is essential to ensure you are getting all the nutrition you need to have healthy skin but also to be a healthy hooman!
You should visit your hairdresser and discuss your colour choice and what steps and treatments are needed to get your colour perfect in advance.
3 months on
It's probably about time for follow-up consultation number 2. You should be seeing some stellar changes in your skin. If you are someone suffering from a specific skin condition like rosacea, acne or pigmentation, your Nerdette may have you on a very specific plan, but if you are looking for that glow and have been using your vitamin A serum, it may be time to introduce home-rolling.
Home-rolling is using a device with tiny, very fine needles before applying your vitamin A and other serums and helps to maximise your results. Masks will be introduced and you will be well on your way to skin glory.
At this point, you should be a well-fed bride to be with a diet full of vegetables, fruit, good fats and lean proteins! If you have specific nutritional needs at this point, Laura will be able to guide you on your way. Remembering to always take the supplements recommended by your Nerdette - when it comes to feeding your skin from within, consistency is key.
Time for your hair trial! No time like the present to decide on which style you want to rock on your big day. This style should be dependent on the style of your dress, the type of makeup look you're thinking of and the condition and length of your hair. You also want to make sure you've hit the hair colour you want so you will only need a root touch-up prior to the main event.
Only a month to go
Welcome to Hydration Month! When it comes to your skin in this final month, we're maxing out on moisture. Skin that is well-hydrated, both topically and internally, looks plumper and fresher. Some supplements, such as omegas, may be upped and more masques may be introduced too to get that skin turning over.
It is so important to have the skin extremely hydrated so you look fresh and dewy, but also so that your makeup sits beautifully on your skin. We're not ditching your routine, though. You will need to maintain your routine as before. The hydrating serums and masques will be in addition to this!
Back to water intake again! As it is Hydration Month, make sure you are fillling up on some high-quality H2O! What happens on the inside of the body is reflected on the outside, so up that water intake. If you are struggling, here are some top tips for helping on your way to ultimate hydration
Drink herbal tea and sparkling water too
Keep your water bottle with you at all times (and make sure it's leak-proof)
Pop a squirt of sugar-free cordial in to spice up your life
Eat your water - as the guys at Murad always say, choose fruit and veg with a high water intake such as melon
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and before every meal
Avoid any harsh styles that may break or damage your hair, use some conditioning treatments to ensure health and shine, check your regrowth if you colour your hair and have a root touch-up. Your colour should already be where you want it to be, now it's all about maintaining.
The week before
- Try to manage your stress levels - meditation and yoga are our favourite ways
- Get lots of premium, rested sleep
- Eat a well-balanced diet and do not skip meals because you need those nutrients
- Don't introduce anything new to your skin routine at this stage, you skin should be in its happy place right now and you should let it be this week
- Get excited
The night before
Have some bubbles and giggles with your friends and family. Get into your new PJs and head to bed early. Tomorrow will the be the best day of your life with the best skin of your life. Go enjoy it!